What We Do

The main objective of Mission Child Care is to improve the lives of poor children, their families and communities through an approach that puts children at the center of community development. Our aim is to promote and conduct activities of health care, mass literacy and of charitable nature among the poor and the neglected people residing in undeveloped colonies and slums. Mission Child Care is a society based on equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity and a culture of service in which all are self-reliant. Besides this efforts are made to provide financial aid and assistance of other kinds to them. It aims at arousing the feeling of self confidence, self-reliance and establishment of socially integrated society. Mission Child Care is a united force running scores of social, medical, educational and character building projects with dedication and selfless service.

Its role is one of empowerment and encouraging ordinary men and women to believe in themselves and in their abilities to change their lives for the better. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, including the right to food, health, work and education. Women bear the major responsibility for meeting basic needs, yet are systematically denied the resources, freedom of action and voice in decision-making to fulfill that responsibility. Hunger and poverty are not problems of one country or another but are global issues. Individual and community ownership of local development is critical. From identification of needs and problems, to planning and execution of projects, our people are involved at every stage.